College Essays-Discuss with the special educators the significance of motor development, specifically the difference between typical and atypical motor development of a child, and the impacts in Math and English Language Arts instruction.

College Essays-Discuss with the special educators the significance of motor development, specifically the difference between typical and atypical motor development of a child, and the impacts in Math and English Language Arts instruction.

Create your special education (SPED) team for this course. Include at least one special and one regular educator. Hospital staff and specialists in the medical field will be valuable sources of information. For assignments in this course, you will also need to interact with students who have physical or health impairments (PHI) in classrooms, and with their parents and members of community organizations.

Choose one of the following activities:

Interview one or more special educators who have served as members of an IEP team for a student with physical or health impairments about their responsibilities and experiences, especially as related to modifications and or accommodations in Math and English Language Arts instruction.

Discuss with the special educators the significance of motor development, specifically the difference between typical and atypical motor development of a child, and the impacts in Math and English Language Arts instruction. Discuss with a special educator the impact of physical and health impairments on Math and English Language Arts instruction of his or her students.

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