College Essays-Discuss how medical, economic, or psychosocial issues might impact decision making relative to genetic testing.

College Essays-Discuss how medical, economic, or psychosocial issues might impact decision making relative to genetic testing.

Screening tests for genetic issues can be performed in the first trimester, second trimester or both trimesters. Carrier testing is also an option performed prior to or during pregnancy. Carrier testing provides information as to whether one or both parents are carriers for certain inherited disorders. The results of these tests are used to determine an appropriate plan of care for the patient.

Genetic testing of the fetus and the parents offers both opportunities and ethical challenges. As a Registered Nurse, you need to be aware of your own feelings in order to provide non-biased professional support.


Implications of genetic testing and the role of the registered nurse in providing support to a couple seeking guidance. Provide one example of how genetic testing is used in the perinatal setting.

Consider if the registered nurse has the right to refuse to care for patients who choose termination of pregnancy based on genetic testing when it conflicts with the ethics and values of the nurse.

Discuss how medical, economic, or psychosocial issues might impact decision making relative to genetic testing.

Include a reference to support the information provided.

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