College Essays-Discuss Compatibilism and determinism

College Essays-Discuss Compatibilism and determinism

Explain the criterion of meaning developed by the Logical Positivists to distinguish between meaningful and meaningless statements. Quote an example of a “metaphysical” statement selected from the passages taken from the writings of Hobbes or Berkeley in Section 3.9 Historical Showcase.

Be sure to include the page of the textbook from which your quote was taken.

Explain why the quoted statement is meaningless when evaluated by the Logical Positivist criterion of meaning.

Define compatiblism and determinism. Freedom can be true with compatibilism because as humans we make our own choices freely. Yes some choices are predetermined, but it is up to us to follow through with our choice. Hobbes states that we are free to do what we desire and what our personality prompts us too, but our actions are still determined (Velasquez P 213). He clearly defines one way freedom is compatible with determinism.

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