College Essays-Digital Humanitarianism

College Essays-Digital Humanitarianism

Please respond in complete sentences for each question, unless directed to do otherwise, demonstrating in your reply that you have read the material in order to receive full credit.

This week you read Digital Life in 2025 by Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie.Anderson and Rainie summarized 15 theses about the digital future.

Which of the 15 theses do you see as the most hopeful? Explain your choice.

This week you also watched How Mobile Phones Power Disaster Relief by Paul Conneally.

Conneally mentioned that the humanitarian model has barely changed since the early 20th century and that its origins are firmly rooted in the analog age.

Do you see a major shift from analog to digital in the humanitarian model? If so, what are the driving forces behind this shift?

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