College Essays-Describe the potential implications of the rapid rate of technological innovation found in modern information systems in terms of opportunities and responsibilities for modern organizations.

College Essays-Describe the potential implications of the rapid rate of technological innovation found in modern information systems in terms of opportunities and responsibilities for modern organizations.

Describe the potential implications of the rapid rate of technological innovation found in modern information systems in terms of opportunities and responsibilities for modern organizations.

Landmark Article Research

As you go over this week’s AVPs and materials, think of how the rate of innovation can change organizations as well.  In addition to opportunities, what other types of changes can innovation spark?  For your seminal articles this week, try to locate something on the management of innovation or different types of changes that result from innovation (e.g. disruptive, transformative).

As with every week moving forward, you are to select any topic of interest and locate two recent (5-10 years) articles.  Don’t just summarize these articles.  Rather, work to integrate them with the landmark article you found for the week.  What are some similarities/differences/consistencies/inconsistencies/etc?

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