College Essays- Describe how sound waves become nerve impulses as they enter the ear. How are the important characteristics of sound coded?

College Essays- Describe how sound waves become nerve impulses as they enter the ear. How are the important characteristics of sound coded?

think that the way for you to get folks to vote for your candidate is to use some psychology. So, you make a deal with a soft-drink company to insert a picture of your candidate into its commercials for only a brief instant. It will be so quick that no one will notice the picture. That way, the candidate’s image will enter viewers’ subconscious minds and make them vote for your candidate. What psychological processes are you trying to use and will they be likely to work?

2. Describe how sound waves become nerve impulses as they enter the ear. How are the important characteristics of sound coded?

3. List and explain two binocular cues for depth perception and two monocular cues. Why do we have two different types of cues for depth? 

4. Why do perceptual illusions occur? Give an example of a perceptual illusion and explain it according to your answer to the first part of this question.

5. Compare and contrast the trichromatic and opponent-process theories of color vision. How has this debate been resolved?

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