College Essays-Counseling and Sexual Orientation

College Essays-Counseling and Sexual Orientation

Counseling and Sexual Orientation

You are the best (more knowledgeable and experienced) psychologist—counselor—in a relatively small town. You also happen to be a hard core fundamentalist Christian who is horrified by the prevalence of homosexual behaviors and gay culture. One day, a gay client, referred to you by a colleague of yours who had been unsuccessful treating this client, knocks at your door for your services.

Due to your long practice experience, you realize that, if you were to accept this person as a client, you will be subjected to listening to him talking, in a detailed manner, about his/her gay/lesbian practices, behaviors and commitment to the promotion of the gay/lesbian cause. This prospect triggers off a moral dilemma for you. Now, should you accept this person as your client or not?

If you turn him/her down, account in an ethical way, for your refusal, bearing in mind that you’re really the only good and effective psychologist in this town which is 30 miles away from the closest city where alternatives to your services are available. If you decide to receive him/her as your client, how would you deal with him/her. But first, explain your decision. Second, what will you be guided by in whichever course of action you choose?

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