College Essays-Compare and contrast the ethical relativism of ancient Sophism (especially according to Thrasymachus) with that of contemporary postmodernism

College Essays-Compare and contrast the ethical relativism of ancient Sophism (especially according to Thrasymachus) with that of contemporary postmodernism

Compare and contrast the ethical relativism of ancient Sophism (especially according to Thrasymachus) with that of contemporary postmodernism (especially according to Rorty).

Assess one major strength and one major weakness of ethical relativism.

Briefly illustrate an instance of contemporary ethical relativism contrasting with the Christian worldview.

In addition, create a title slide, reference slides, and slide notes that provide a detailed explanation.

Using Virginia Held’s article “Feminist Transformations of Ethical Theory” as a foundation, explain three things that you did not know about feminist thought that you found interesting and/or informative. What were those things? Why are they interesting or informative? How do they relate to the view that you now hold of ethics and how one can live a good life? Explain why you do or do not think that feminist ethics could be a fruitful transformation of ethical theory and practice in the Western tradition.


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