College Essays-analyze the duties of  administrative agencies and the ethics behind regulatory compliance  requirements. 

College Essays-analyze the duties of  administrative agencies and the ethics behind regulatory compliance  requirements.

analyze the duties of  administrative agencies and the ethics behind regulatory compliance  requirements.

 Eric is an Assistant Vice President at  marine paint manufacturing plant. One day, he accidentally discovers an  email from his boss, the Vice President, to the President, notifying him  of an internal study finding the paint leeches from the bottom of boats  into the marine environment. The paint has been found to create birth  defects in marine life. He also sees the President’s response email, in  which he directs the Vice President to erase all evidence of the study  and tell no one. The President also directs the Vice President to erase  the email. Eric is concerned about the findings of the study, but he  also fears losing his job.

Which administrative agency governs regulatory compliance of the manufacturer?

What are the ethical concerns regarding the President’s actions, and what do you believe Eric should do?


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