College Essays-Acquisition and Procurement Risk in the Cybersecurity Industry

College Essays-Acquisition and Procurement Risk in the Cybersecurity Industry

An introduction section which provides a brief overview of the cybersecurity industry as a whole. Why does this industry exist? (Hint: buyers want to procure or acquire cybersecurity related products and services). How does this industry benefit society? Address the sources of demand for cybersecurity products and services. (You may reuse resources and/or narrative from your Case Study #3 assignment.)

An operational risks overview section in which you provide an overview of sources of operational risks which could affect suppliers of cybersecurity related products and services and, potentially, compromise the security of those products or services. Discuss the potential impact of such compromises upon buyers and the security of their organizations (risk transfer).

product liability section in which you provide a summary of the current legal environment as it pertains to product liability in the cybersecurity industry. Discuss the potential impact upon buyers who suffer harm or loss as a result of purchasing, installing, and/or using cybersecurity products or services.

governance frameworks & standards section in which you discuss the role that standards and governance processes should play in ensuring that acquisitions or purchases of cybersecurity products and services meet the buyer’s organization’s security requirements (risk mitigation).

summary and conclusions section in which you present a summary of your findings including the reasons why product liability (risk transfer) is a problem that must be addressed by both suppliers and purchasers of cybersecurity related products and services.

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