College Essays-Моunt Еvеrеst

College Essays-Моunt Еvеrеst

Sherpas have an interesting religion in that they believe that Everest itself is a god, or has a god within it. Another example: high altitudes cause a variety of malfunctions in the body and brain, including cerebral edema or retinal hemorrhages.
Your topic must be connected to Into Thin Air in some way, but within those guidelines you may choose your own specialized topic.

I want to talk about the deaths on Mount Everest also when writing this make sure to talk about the book “into thin air.

this is some other advice that my teacher gave me. t’s not too broad. The main factor of death is the icefall. That area has cost a lot of lives. The perhaps more interesting approach is to note that it’s the Sherpas who die more frequently there—they go up first and fix the ropes, so are the more likely to die.

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