cognitive theory

cognitive theory description
ONE resource must be from the textbook (Students cannot use the textbook as a resource to describe their theory. Please find another resource)
TEXTBOOK Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2012). Understanding human behavior and the social environment, 9th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.
ONE social work resource should come from beyond the textbook.
TWO resources should fully discuss the theory you are using to address the problem you have selected.
TWO resources should talk about the effectiveness or about outcome measures of using the theory you have selected with the population you have identified).
Please indicate which one of the six scholarly sources in your annotated bibliography you are addressing.
Your annotated bibliography can be no shorter than 2 pages, no longer than 8 pages in length (excluding title page), must be doubled spaced, and you must use 12 point font.
Each page should be numbered.
The title page should have all of the necessary identifying information (For example, title of your work, student’s name, course name, date of submission, instructor’s name, and etc).
All sources (citations) cited in your annotated bibliography should NOT be older than 10 years old. If you are using older sources please explain why.
Annotated bibliography MUST use all of the EXACT FIVE headings LISTED BELOW so they will be easy to identify. This will allow your instructor to see where one question ends and another begins. This will also make sure that you are given credit for your work. Please do not use an abbreviated version of these eleven headings. FAILURE TO USE THE EXACT FIVE HEADINGS IN YOUR PAPER WILL RESULT IN A 30% DEDUCTION


1.    Which of these six scholarly sources (citations) is this? Why did you select this particular resource to use to answer something in the final paper?

(Your answer starts here)

2.    Which question(s) in “the final paper” does this source (citation) help you to answer in the final paper? (Be specific, for example, this resource will answer 2A, 5D, and 8A. And this is how it will answer that question).

(Your answer starts here)

3.    How does this resource help you explain what the problem is? Why is it a problem? How big the problem is? (This is question #2 in the final paper)

(Your answer starts here)

4.    How does this resource help you explain how effective it is in working with the population that you have selected for your final paper?  (This is question #3 in the final paper)

(Your answer starts here)

5.    Explain and discuss how this resource helps to you explain any anticipated outcomes outlined in question #3 of your final paper, if it does?

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