CM 380 Essay #2 Using Theories to Analyze Communication Efforts

CM 380 Essay #2
Using Theories to Analyze Communication Efforts
For this assignment, you will select an actual communication event that has occurred within the past year
and analyze it using the communication theories learned in CM 380. You can select your topic from the
sample list provided or you can propose a topic of your own. If you propose your own topic it
ABSOLUTELY MUST be pre-approved by Dr. Vigil or one of the teaching assistants.
Unlike essay #1, this essay will be written in a more traditional academic format and will follow the writing
and style guidelines posted on course Blackboard page.
The essay must contain the following elements:
• A summary of the context of the communication event (the who, what, when, and why aspects)
• A brief description of the medium/media used to disseminate the communication (the how of it)
and sample messages related to the event
• A synopsis of the effects/impact of the messaging as it was disseminated
• An assessment of the actual act(s) of communication surrounding the event using communication
theories to support your judgment/claims
• A couple of clear theory-based suggestions for how the situation could be/could have been
improved (Including specific messaging examples would be helpful here)
• As always, an effective essay needs an introduction with a clear thesis, a well organized body, and
a compelling conclusion.
• Must be 3-5 pages typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font and must follow the
writing guidelines posted on the course Blackboard page.
• Will require outside research. Therefore, proper in-text citations and works cited pages are
expected. Please review the proper formatting for your style guide of choice (MLA, APA,
Chicago) and use it.
• PLEASE put page numbers on your document.
• Use quotation marks around material taken word for word from the text. [Remember, changing
one or two words in a sentence does NOT make it an original sentence.]
• See one of the TAs or Dr. Vigil for help if you are confused about course concepts, but don’t
expect them to explain the communication event to you or to give you ideas for applying the
theories (that is your job).
• The paper is due NO LATER THAN March 27th at 2 p.m. The essay must be uploaded to the
proper TurnItIn folder on the course Blackboard page by 2 p.m. and a printed and stapled copy
must be handed in at the beginning of class on that date.
• The essay is worth up to 100 points. Writing quality will impact overall grade.
Potential Topics:
• The rise of the Time’s Up movement
• Organizing the March for Our Lives
• The launch of the iPhone X
• The #LadyDoritos controversy (creation
and response)
• Response to Dodge Ram Superbowl
commercial featuring Martin Luther
King, Jr. speech excerpt
• The response to the Korean Unified flag
for the Olympics
• The release of the Black Panther movie
• The French actresses’ backlash against
the #MeToo movement
• The Indianapolis Colts response to the
Josh McDaniels change of heart
• The University of Louisville men’s
basketball team punishment
• The iPhone “selfie” campaign
• Eminem’s Anti-Trump freestyle rap and
responses to it
• Release of the Nunes memo
• The launch of Watch by Facebook (i.e.,
Facebook TV)
• Starbucks Unicorn Frapp
• The crypto-currency

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