Choose one of the sectors we discussed in class (i.e., Destinations, Accommodations, F&B, Attractions, Meetings & Events, Transportation, or Travel trade). Now choose one of the 5 external issues (i.e., Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, or Legal) and discuss how that current issue affects the industry sector you selected.

Active Learning Sheet Assignments

HTM402 Winter 2018


ALS2 Due Date February 16 2018

The assignment sheet should have a cover page with your name and topic, two single-spaced pages to answer the questions (one page per question), and one additional page, as needed, for references (APA style). This ALS follows the class exercise and discussion we had on PESTEL analysis.


  1. Question 1. Choose one of the sectors we discussed in class (i.e., Destinations, Accommodations, F&B, Attractions, Meetings & Events, Transportation, or Travel trade). Now choose one of the 5 external issues (i.e., Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, or Legal) and discuss how that current issue affects the industry sector you selected.
  2. Question 2. Same as question 1, but with a different sector and a different issue.


You need to have at least 5 references per question (total of 10 references should be listed, APA style)


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