* Choose a game design professional or theorist not featured as a speaker within this class.
Use their ideas as the basis for an argumentative essay on ONE of the following topics:
* Only the interactivity matters in the game.
* Videogames as a cultural voice.
* Games as a positive lasting influence, agree or disagree.
Within each topic you have freedom to explore/interpret each subject, but don’t stray too far
from the core topic.
Your paper should frequently (and with good relevance & specificity) reference as many of our
guest speakers as possible, comparing and contrasting their philosophies with those of your
Paper Requirements:
* The paper is 1500 words, not counting headings and sourcing
* The paper must be properly sourced using APA standards.
* Choose an individual as your theorist/designer. Do not choose a company.
* Provide at least three well-supported points in support of argument
* Strong use of 2+ exterior sources
Choose a game design professional or theorist not featured as a speaker within this class. Use their ideas as the basis for an argumentative essay on ONE of the following topics: * Only the interactivity matters in the game. * Videogames as a cultural voice. * Games as a positive lasting influence, agree or disagree.
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