How do childhood experiences influence personality?

FIRST: Use the library databases to find 2 scholarly articles that are relevant to your chosen research question. 

my research question will be 

How do childhood experiences influence personality?


  • Submit both scholarly articles as .pdf files to Canvas no later than 11:59PM on Friday, 
  • Submit your updated research question as well as the in-text citation, the full citation, and a short summary for BOTH articles to Canvas no later than 11:59PM on Friday, February 23. 


In-text citation: (Author last names, Year)

Reference (a.k.a. full citation):

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. DOI if available


In-text citation: (Botting, Toseeb, Pickles, Durkin, & Conti-Ramsden, 2016)


Botting, N., Toseeb, U., Pickles, A., Durkin, K., & Conti-Ramsden, G. (2016). Depression and anxiety change from adolescence to adulthood in individuals with and without language impairment. Plos ONE11(7), 1-13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156678

Outline of what to submit for “Part 3: Submit Your Citations/Summaries Here”:

Updated research question:

Scholarly article #1:

In-text citation:


5-7 sentence summary of the article (in your OWN words), followed by 2-3 sentences explaining why you chose this article (i.e. its relevance to your research question).

Scholarly article #2:

In-text citation:


5-7 sentence summary of the article (in your OWN words), followed by 2-3 sentences explaining why you chose this article (i.e. its relevance to your research question).

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