Chemical Engineering: Neutralisation of Contaminant Wash Water From a Pharmaceutical Production Plant

Chemical Engineering: Neutralisation of Contaminant Wash Water From a Pharmaceutical Production Plant



The lab report must be written solely by the student submitting the work.  The report must be written entirely in the passive past tense.  The report should be complete enough for someone else to perform the experiment exactly as it was performed.  The report should be computer generated (structures may be hand-drawn, or they may be computer generated using a drawing program such as ISIS/Draw).  The reports should be double-spaced.  The report must include the following:


  1. Your name and the date of the report.
  2. The title of the experiment and the date(s) performed.
  3. The objective (or purpose) of the experiment, written in complete sentences.
  4. Synthetic equation
  5. The structures (pictures), hazards and physical properties of all reactants and products. Footnote the references.
  6. The entire procedure, as performed in lab. This should give enough information for someone else to perform the experiment exactly as you did.
  7. Calculation of theoretical and percent yield. Show all calculations.
  8. A short synopsis of the results obtained. This should include IR and NMR data (not analysis) as well as percent yield.
  9. A short discussion of the results and outcome of the experiment. In this section, you should explain what was accomplished during the experiment and how well it was accomplished.  A discussion of the theory of esterification as it applies to this experiment should be given.  A discussion of the procedure should be given. Any major sources of error should be discussed.  Any other pertinent information should be given in this section.  Also, be sure to give a very good analysis of the IR and NMR data.
  10. References, corresponding to the footnotes above.



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