Cheap Homework Help on Competition Commission v. Lafarge Tarmac Case Report

Cheap Homework Help on Competition Commission v. Lafarge Tarmac Case Report

Requirements for presentation of the essay

Word Count: 2000 (+ max of 10%) words in length (excl. footnotes & bibliography)

Font Size: 11

Line Spacing: 1.5


Assessment Criteria

Given the strict word limit, it is essential that the reports focus on the key features of the case and weighs up the arguments for and against the decision. Whilst relevant economic theory must be clearly applied, a general overview of the theories used does not need to be provided.


Students should attend at least one scheduled supervision meeting with the relevant tutor to discuss their individual coursework assignment and their intended approach in writing it.

Plagiarism and improper citation will not be tolerated.  Poorly written and structured reports will be penalized as appropriate.

Essential Reading for Coursework Task 

(if in addition to reading provided in the module outline):


For each case, some relevant references are provided as a starting point for your research. However, students are also expected to search for other relevant material. Some of the case studies have received considerable media attention and this may provide useful insights. There may also be other interventions in the market and cases and these may provide relevant background information.


The report should develop the arguments made in the competition authority reports and case study book chapters.



Coursework Title: A report on the case: Competition Commission v. Lafarge Tarmac


NB for the broader cases, the report does not need to comprehensively examine all aspects of the cases area, instead it can be focused on a single clearly defined part. Students also have some flexibility to develop their own topic based on the case they have researched. However, the report must still cover all of the bullet points listed below.  Before fixing on a topic the agreement of the course tutor should be sought.


Task Details/Description: 


General report content  


  • A summary of the important features of the case (10%). This section should cover the following items:
    • the type of intervention (merger, abuse of dominance, market enquiry etc.)
    • the characteristics and key features of the market (price/quantity competition, innovation, vertical relationships etc.)
    • the market definition
    • the main players in the market – market shares etc.


  • The relevant economic theory for analysing the case (25%). (Note that this need not be a separate section and can be integrated with the arguments in the case.)


  • Arguments for and against the decision made (30%).


  • An overall conclusion with your own opinion on the decision (10%).


  • What happened/might happen next in the industry under consideration? Wider implications beyond the specific case.



  • In addition, somewhere in your essay you must relate your case to:

o the general policy issues covered in the lectures,       referencing at least one of the discussion articles
o at least one of the other cases:

-Competition Commission v Tesco
-Tesco/Booker v. Spar
-European Commission v. Airtours
-European Commission v. IMPALA
– European Commission v. T-Mobile
-Office of Fair Trade v. CAMRA
-Book industry – for v. against abolishing Resale Price Maintenance
– European Commission v. AB inBev
European Commission v. GE/Honeywell
– European Commission v. Microsoft



The report can be structured in report form with sub-headings.



Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:


  1. understand a range of practical issues in implementing competition policy
  2. be able to apply economic theory in order to evaluate policy interventions adopted by governments internationally have participated in a group debate on a competition case decision


  1. understand the implications competition policy can have for a range of business organisations.





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