ENVH 4000


Pigpen Industries is the last tannery in your state.  It has a long record of repeated environmental and occupational health problems.  You are Deputy Director of Environmental Health for Olfactory City where Pigpen is located.


The new director of Environmental Health (your boss), appointed by the new mayor, reveals that the mayor has ordered him to “begin laying the ground work to get tough” on Pigpen Industries.  “They’ve been stinking up our town long enough, making everyone wonder if that’s what’s making us sick,” the mayor said.  “There are only a few people still employed at the plant nowadays.  So I want to make a plan to deal with Pigpen,” he told your boss.  “I’m planning to run for re-election as mayor of Olfactory City in four years on this very issue.”


So, the Environmental Health Director asks you for a five-page memo laying out a graduated series of steps for confronting Pigpen Industries over the next two to three years.  “My last job was in Old El Paso,” he says.  “So make it like the salsa – first the mild stuff;  then the moderate actions we can take;  and finally the hot (severe) things we can do to legally crack down on Pigpen Industries.”


“Eventually, we want to work with federal agencies,” he says.


At each stage of your plan, consider how you would use powers available to the city to lay the ground work for involvement of federal agencies.



Your memo must be five pages in length, 1.5 spaced.  The writing assignment will be graded on knowledge of legal subject matter, reasoning, logic, depth of argument;  grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, word usage and language, and writing mechanics;  and focus, organization, and development of ideas.




(do not sign or include a salutation as in a biz letter)


TO:  Homer Simpson, Director of Environmental Health

FROM:  U.R. Namehere, Deputy Director

DATE:  May 7, 2015

RE:  [of your choosing;  brief, but serious]


Summary (1 parag.) – This subheading is required and should come first.


Facts and Analysis








Facts:  Imagine you are the Food Safety Director of the Survivorville city health department.  One day Ms. Red Neck, one of your inspectors who is nicknamed “Dirty Harriet,” decided it was time to inspect the Ptomaine Palace Restaurant, which had not been inspected for over 2 1/2 years.  Due to past problems with restaurant owners and to enhance her own self-esteem, Ms. Neck wore a police uniform and carried a Colt 45 handgun in a hip holster.  Mr. Gross Lee, the restaurant senior chef, did not want an inspection at his busy time.  He was hesitant until Red told him that she was having a bad hair day, and that this inspection would happen now or she would have to revoke the restaurant’s license and take “legal action” against it and its owner.  After nervously tapping the handle of her revolver, she also told him the last time someone at a restaurant opposed her, he needed 10 stitches, spent 5 days in jail, and paid a $20,000 fine.  So, Mr. Lee quietly said, “Go ahead if you have to.”  She toured the restaurant in 10 minutes, decided it was filthy and dirty as a pigpen, and pulled the license from the wall.  Shortly after leaving, Red telephoned the police chief, who was her friend from the firing range.  The Chief promptly sent a SWAT team to immediately quarantine and close the restaurant.  You find our about it on your way home from work when you pass by the restaurant and see the SWAT team surrounding the building.


Questions:  You must prepare an internal memorandum as her supervisor for the Environmental Health Director about “Dirty Harriet’s” actions.  Was Red’s inspection legal?  Was the license revocation valid?  Why or why not?  Fully explain your answer and the method (i.e., your reasoning) you used to arrive at your answer.


Do not invent any new facts.


Additional information:  The Survivorville city food code is the same as the U.S. Public Health Service, FDA, “Food Code” at:




Your memorandum must be five pages in length, 1.5 spaced (see box, page 1).  The writing assignment will be graded on knowledge of legal subject matter, reasoning, logic, depth of argument;  grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, word usage and language, and writing mechanics;  and focus, organization, and development of ideas.

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