Cheap Custom Writing Services-Use the concept map to create a detailed outline of your Comprehensive Literature Review paper

BTM 7300: Week 4:

For this assignment, submit the following:

  • Create a comprehensive concise outline that you will use to write your literature review.
  • The outline should include more than simply topic headings from your concept map;
  • Provide details regarding the scholarly sources under each heading with connections between the findings of the different studies.
    • [HEADING: Cost effective improvement in healthcare efficiency and performance]
  • These connections should align specific articles to topics and subtopics you have already defined.
  • Do not simply list information about each article as is done for annotated bibliographies;
    • Ask yourself how the article conclusions or finding relates to topic and subtopic ideas or identified gaps in the research.
  • The length of the outline may vary depending on the topic area, but it should have enough detail that it is at least 2 pages.
  • Remember that you need to include at least 8 scholarly sources that you used in your concept map for this assignment.
  • Provide enough detail that a reader may discern the overall ideas that your paper will present and how the literature supports and relates to your ideas.
  • Make sure to use your detailed notes on each source and your concept map to help you with your assignment.
  • The conceptual/theoretical framework is a foundational piece of the dissertation writing process. As you complete this assignment, make sure to note the conceptual frameworks or theoretical frameworks used by the researchers in your outline.
  • The orders will focus more on the framework in the coming weeks.

Outline of the Comprehensive Literature Review and Scholarly Writing Reflection

Use the concept map to create a detailed outline of your Comprehensive Literature Review paper.

This is intended to help find a logical focus to your writing and to help alleviate alignment problems in your final document. It is also intended to help focus on the overarching task for this course: to write a brief literature revie

Length: 3-5 pages


Outline of the Comprehensive Literature Review and Scholarly Writing Reflection Grading Rubric Criteria Content (11points) Points

  1. Created an outline (at least 2 pages) which is in alignment with the concept map (from week 3) showing connections between the ideas illustrated by the conceptual/theoretical framework. Included headings that organized ideas by topics and subtopics connected to a gap in the literature. Clearly provided enough detail that the reader can clearly discern the overall ideas that the paper presents and how the literature supports those ideas.
  2. Developed a 250to 300word reflection that included:

(a) The importance of receiving and responding to feedback on scholarly writing,

(b) Indicated what has been learned about the scholarly writing process in an academic career,

(c) How feedback and peer review will help to write a critical review of research literature

  1. Supported outline with at least 8 scholarly peer reviewed resources.

Included a minimum of eight scholarly references, with appropriate APA formatting applied to citations and paraphrasing.

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