Cheap Custom Essay:Write the supply curve equation of chicken where Y is the dependent variable, b is the slop of demand curve, and X is the independent variabl

Cheap Custom Essay:Write the supply curve equation of chicken where Y is the dependent variable, b is the slop of demand curve, and X is the independent variabl

Given the information of a certain good (say chicken), consisting of the quantity of chicken in different prices of its supply and demand, in the Excel file attached to this assignment. The rows 3, 4, and 5 in the Excel file exhibit the quantity of chicken, the price of chicken demand, and the price of chicken supply, respectively.


Students should insert their last two student numbers in Cell A1 in Excel to generate their own data, and then answer to the following questions:


1. Draw the demand curve using the quantity and demand data of chicken provided in rows 3 and 4 of the Excel 


2. Draw the supply curve using the quantity and supply data of chicken provided in rows 3 and 5 of the Excel


3. Write the demand curve equation of chicken where Y is the dependent variable, b is the slop of demand curve, and X is the independent variable


4. Write the supply curve equation of chicken where Y is the dependent variable, b is the slop of demand curve, and X is the independent variable (3 marks).

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