Cheap Custom Essay:What is the medium of this object? Why do you think it was used by the artist, and how does the use of that medium affect the artists choices? What does it say about the patron/owner of the work?

Cheap Custom Essay:What is the medium of this object? Why do you think it was used by the artist, and how does the use of that medium affect the artists choices? What does it say about the patron/owner of the work?

How is the work installed in the Frick? Consider the height, the lighting, the viewpoint, etc.

What is the function of this work of art? Is it commemorative? Religious? Utilitarian? Something else? Explain. Where do you think this work was originally meant to be seen, and how do you think it was installed in its original location? Is there one clearly intended point of view?

What is the medium of this object? Why do you think it was used by the artist, and how does the use of that medium affect the artists choices? What does it say about the patron/owner of the work?

Discuss the composition (the arrangement of forms). Be specific in describing what you see. Ask yourself, “What choices does the artist make, and why (meaning, what is the impact of those choices)? Consider things like the primary focal point, the use of symmetry or asymmetry, and the manner in which the artist guides you through the work.

Is the artist interested in the realistic/naturalistic depiction of forms? If there are human/animal figures, what can you say about the artist’s interest in anatomy? Does the artist use devices like contrapposto?

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