Cheap Custom Essay:Marketing Plan Project

Cheap Custom Essay:Marketing Plan Project

For this Marketing Plan Project, you need to create a fictitious company with a product (or line of products, for example a video game system) or service that you want to analyze and promote. You can make up your product/service or use an existing one (preferably make up your own). If you use an existing one, you may want to add something that makes it unique. Just look around your house or office and you will find many of them. You can use websites such as amazon or ebay for ideas. Once you have a product in mind please notify me in a comment before you complete the project.

Please approach the project with a “real world – manager’s” mentality. How would you do it if you were faced with this task in the real world? How would you present it? What would you include? There are many examples that you can use as guidance on the Internet. There is no reason to ask how you should do the project.


There is not a right or wrong format to do the project. Please make sure that your project:

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