Cheap Custom Essay:Linguistic

Cheap Custom Essay:Linguistic

Explain the difference between a phonetic and a phonemic transcription. Provide examples from Spanish.

In this week’s module we took a look at what is often called the ‘Euthyphro Dilemma’. Socrates is looking for that characteristic that makes all holy acts and only holy acts, holy. Acts we saw might have all sorts of characteristics. They might be done slowly, frequently, in the evenings, in the presence of many other people, few people, etc. Are any of these characteristics (being slow, frequent, occurring in the evenings, being done in the presence of many people, few people, etc.) absolutely required for an act to be holy, or are they just incidental? Think of an example of a holy action. What absolutely must be part of it; what can be omitted without loss? Give your best answer, and as always be sure to provide your reasons for believing it to be the best answer.

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