Cheap Custom Essay:How do you believe removing GE from Dow will impact the index and the market if in any way at all.

Cheap Custom Essay:How do you believe removing GE from Dow will impact the index and the market if in any way at all.

One of the big new this year was the drop of GE from the Dow Jones Index. Do some research on Dow Jones index and GE. Very briefly explain about Dow,

WHat stocks are included in dow and how these stocks are chosen. Compare Dow to S&P 500 Index and explain the benefits and disadvantages of using each one of these indexes as a proxy for the financial markets. Briefly explain the situation of GE in the recent year which resulted in its removal from Dow.

How do you believe removing GE from Dow will impact the index and the market if in any way at all.

How do you think it will impact GE and its stock?

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