Cheap Custom Essay:History of Modern Design

Cheap Custom Essay:History of Modern Design

History of Modern Design: 1850 – Present fall 2017

Return to the textbook pgs. 596 – 605, up to “Design for Industry”, to answer the following questions; type your answers to turn in in Discussion Section, and number/letter your answers, just as before.

1. a) What increasingly popular new movement in the early 1900’s was strongly influenced by the Arts and Crafts Movement and Art Nouveau? (4 points)

b) What was the link between specifically Arts & Crafts ideas and the aims of this new movement? (5)

c) Why do you think this new movement can be considered “Romantic”? (5)

2. a) What was the Wiener Werkstatte? (5)

b) What sort of reform was it most concerned with? (4)

c) Who was it designing for, and how was that similar to or different from the Arts & Crafts movement? (10)

d) What were some of its stylistic sources or inspirations? (4)

e) What does Gesamptkunstwerk mean (look it up)? (4)

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