Cheap Custom Essay:Error Handling

Cheap Custom Essay:Error Handling

The Software Development Company now requests you add final elements to the C# program.

“Error Handling,” by reading the software developers’ C# data structure records data from a file (data.txt), implement an array data structure containing the data, and display on the console all the software developers’ data, monthly pay, monthly taxes, annual gross pay, annual taxes, and net pay.

Create a Comma Separated Values (CSV) text file and named “data.txt.” The data.txt file shall include information on at least five developers put into rows and including software developer name, addresses, and monthly gross pay separated by a comma.

Using Visual Studio® and C# programming concepts, write a program to meet the specifications of the company’s request. The program should have the following characteristics:

Compile and Execute without errors

Meets specifications by demonstrating file handling, array data structure manipulation, and console output mastery by accomplishing the following:

Read software developers’ data from a file

Input the data into an array data structure

Display the software developers’ data on the console

Logic flow is clear, concise, and effective

User inputs and outputs should be clear on screen

Validation for input types and data format

Appropriate indentation to logically illustrate program structure

Identifiers logically describe use

Naming conventions are consistent

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