Cheap Custom Essay:Design a process for achieving higher levels of customer service and effectiveness in reaching identified organizational objectives. Your process must include five parts—1) Management Theory, 2) System Design, 3) Motivation and Teamwork, 4) Organizational Change, and 5) Corporate Culture. 

Cheap Custom Essay:Design a process for achieving higher levels of customer service and effectiveness in reaching identified organizational objectives. Your process must include five parts—1) Management Theory, 2) System Design, 3) Motivation and Teamwork, 4) Organizational Change, and 5) Corporate Culture.

Design a process for achieving higher levels of customer service and effectiveness in reaching identified organizational objectives. Your process must include five parts—1) Management Theory, 2) System Design, 3) Motivation and Teamwork, 4) Organizational Change, and 5) Corporate Culture.

· Management Theory: What management theory would serve as your theoretical framework. Describe both the selected framework, and the reason for this selection. What Team Structure would you intend to put into place, and what would be the key characteristics that you would want to instill? Describe the main features as they relate to your performance objectives.   Provide sufficient detail and discussion necessary for implementation, and provide a rationale for your choices.

· System Design: What kind of systems would need to be in place to help in this quality improvement process (i.e. areas of increased effectiveness in problem solving, responsiveness, communication, and feedback)? What corporate paradigm shifts might have to take place and how would you facilitate those?  Provide sufficient detail and discussion, and provide a rationale for your choices.

· Motivation and Teamwork: What key motivational factors would need to be addressed and how would put them into place? What would you need to provide in that way of support would you expose the student participants to in this process? Provide sufficient detail and discussion of these motivational issues, and provide a rationale for your choices.

Organizational Structure: How would you structure the time (day, week, and month) for the Customer Service and Effectiveness training? What percentage of time would be devoted to what, and in what sequence? Provide sufficient detail and discussion of your allocation of time and sequencing of educational and experiential inputs.

Corporate Culture : What experiences would you expose the participants to in this process? How would you manage, promote, and accomplish the change needed to successfully implement you program? Provide sufficient detail and discussion of these developmental experiences, and provide a rationale for your choices.

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