Cheap Custom Essay:Describe what the consequences of  committing a Type I error would be if you did not conduct your study and  subsequent analysis properly. Do the same in reference to committing a Type II  error

Cheap Custom Essay:Describe what the consequences of  committing a Type I error would be if you did not conduct your study and  subsequent analysis properly. Do the same in reference to committing a Type II  error

1. Consider a  contemporary aviation or industry problem, for example, the runway incursion  issue mentioned earlier in this module. Describe what the consequences of  committing a Type I error would be if you did not conduct your study and  subsequent analysis properly. Do the same in reference to committing a Type II  error. What are some ways you could mitigate the likelihood of committing both  types of errors? Your response should be at least one page. Be sure to use  proper APA formatted references.

2. There is a  difference between a research hypothesis and a statistical hypothesis. In your  own words, describe the difference between these two types of statements and  when each is to be used in research. Then write a null and alternate hypothesis  for a research problem you may be interested in addressing through statistical  analysis. Lastly, comment how probability (p-values) are used in statistical  analysis. Your response should be a minimum of 400 words.


3. 19th-century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli is credited with saying “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” One problem is that data can be misleading if not presented in a clear and sound manner. How many times have you heard that you should stop eating something or start eating something to better your health? Ever wonder what data supports these claims? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to understand if something has significant enough impact to consider including in your life? This module provides you some of the tools needed to better understand data and what they really mean.

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