Cheap Custom Essay:Describe the mandatory policies, processes, and procedures you would implement in order to maintain the lab environment and preserve evidence.

Cheap Custom Essay:Describe the mandatory policies, processes, and procedures you would implement in order to maintain the lab environment and preserve evidence.

Explicate the steps you would take to plan a budget for the lab, keeping in mind the general business objective to avoid unneeded costs.

Recommend the physical requirements and controls that you would consider implementing in order to keep the lab safe and secure.

Identify at least three (3) hardware and software tools that you would include in the design of the lab and explain your reasons behind your choices.

Identify the high-level criteria that would be considered when selecting the forensic workstations to be utilized.

Describe the mandatory policies, processes, and procedures you would implement in order to maintain the lab environment and preserve evidence.

Design a floor plan for the lab using a diagramming application such as Visio or Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

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