Cheap Custom Essay:Define turnover. Why do organisations need to analyse turnover rates?

Cheap Custom Essay:Define turnover. Why do organisations need to analyse turnover rates?

Define turnover. Why do organisations need to analyse turnover rates?

2. You have analysed the turnover rates in your organisation and feel that they are
unacceptably high. Others in the organisation argue that turnover is to be expected. What
would you say to them?

3. You work for a hotel. In the past year, 35% of the hotel`s employees have left the
organisation. The organisation deems this level of turnover to be unacceptable. You have
conducted exit interviews with these employees.
The reasons employees have cited for leaving the organisation include: More pay
Better career opportunity/ restricted opportunities for advancement
Lack of challenge
Negative relationships with supervisors, managers
Overloading employees
Incidents of discrimination
Health and safety issues
Poor job security How would you address unacceptably high staff turnover rates with each of these reasons in mind?
(75-100 words)

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