Cheap Custom Essay:Computer-Aided Dispatch System

Cheap Custom Essay:Computer-Aided Dispatch System

Computer-Aided Dispatch System

A computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system is a highly specialized system that uses telecommunications and geographic display to support police dispatch and response functions (as well as those of public safety agencies, such as fire and ambulance services). Police departments use CAD technology to dispatch officers, to keep track of officers’ locations and activities, and to track officer-initiated activity (e.g., traffic stops). Most communication between police officers and dispatchers is recorded in a CAD system. However, a CAD system is not a 911 system, which receives and records actual phone calls from citizens about emergency activity. Typically, a police department transfers key pieces of information about citizen calls for service from the 911 system to the CAD system, which records all information pertaining to dispatched calls.

Records Management System

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