Cheap Custom Essay:Compare the differences between its use in the private sector and the use in the criminal justice system.

Cheap Custom Essay:Compare the differences between its use in the private sector and the use in the criminal justice system.

Compare the differences between its use in the private sector and the use in the criminal justice system. Do you think it should be required for people to take a lie detector test or become hypnotized to become either a police officer or to hold a position in a private company? Explain your reasoning.

When you look at television shows and read books, you might often encounter the term modus operandi (MO). This means a method of operating, functioning, or working. When crimes are committed, a perpetrator has an MO. In a 3 page paper, discuss in detail the following:

  • What is the difference between an MO and a signature?
  • Describe the background of each. For example, what are the driving forces or reasons behind a criminal’s MO and signature?
  • Give an example of both an MO and signature. You may use an actual case, or you may explain the difference with a fictional example.
  • Avoid using fictional depictions in movies, books, and television as bases for your research on this topic.
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