Cheap Custom Essay:Besides new machines, power sources and materials, what other innovation of the industrial revolution is mentioned as having a profound effect on production and on society itself?

Cheap Custom Essay:Besides new machines, power sources and materials, what other innovation of the industrial revolution is mentioned as having a profound effect on production and on society itself?

b) Besides new machines, power sources and materials, what other innovation of the industrial revolution is mentioned as having a profound effect on production and on society itself?



5. What technological development allowed middle class women to dress like Princess Eugenie (be very specific)?


6. What were the “exotic” influences (from non-European cultures) cited as important in this period (two main


sources, and then three others noted as well)?


7. a) What were the main sources of inspiration for the Arts & Crafts Movement?


b) What was its attitude to industrial technology?


c) What were William Morris’s main social and moral beliefs regarding good design?


8. a) What was the key culture favored as a source of inspiration for the aesthetics of the Aesthetic Movement?


b) How were the Aesthetic Movement’s focus and beliefs different from those of the Arts & Crafts Movement? (i.e.


compare to your answer in question 7.)

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