Cheap Custom Essay Writing Essay Services-Write an essay that compares and contrasts maternalists and welfare rights activists as two distinct groups of women activists

Write an essay that compares and contrasts maternalists and welfare rights activists as two distinct groups of women activists


What did maternalists and welfare rights activists have in common, and how were they different? Write an essay that compares and contrasts these two groups of women activists. How did each group define “motherhood” and the rights of poor mothers in society?

Your essay should take a stand on which group’s vision was more empowering to poor women and why.


Option A essay must discuss at least 3 of the following texts: Welfare in the United States, chapters 1 and 3, Document 27; Mink article (M); Nadasen article (M); Bermudez article (M



Your essay must have a thesis (argument) that is proven and developed with supporting evidence from the required texts. The thesis should be inserted into the introduction. Your essay must be typed in Times New Roman 12 pt and double-spaced.  Use in text citations – the author’s last number and page number inside parenthesis at the end of each quotation.Write a 3-4-page essay that responds to the topic.  Follow the instructions for each prompt carefully, and make sure that you fully answer the questions.




A total of three required readings must be mentioned in the essay and you must not use any other outside sources besides the ones provided. Please choose three different readings to support your argument. I will provide different readings. However, you must only choose three . (I have attached all readings, Please look over and read carefully)


Listed are the different options you have. Please only choose three. Keep in mind if you choose chapter 1 or 3 you must include document 27.


-Chapter 1. Welfare in The United States & Document 27

-Chapter 3. Welfare in The United States & Document 27

– Mink, “The Lady and the Tramp: Gender, Race, and the Origins of the American Welfare State”

Nadasen, “Expanding the boundaries of the women’s movement: Black feminism and the struggle of welfare rights”

– Bermudez, “Alicia Escalante, The Chicana Welfare Rights Organization, and the Chicano Movement”




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