Cheap Custom Essay-Outline and explain the process for developing competitive proposals and source selection.

Cheap Custom Essay-Outline and explain the process for developing competitive proposals and source selection.

  1. Suggest three (3) ways in which the basic concepts of the FAR Policy would mutually benefit your small business and the Navy.
  2. Determine the method that you will use for solicitation of a bid. Next, explain why the Navy is likely to choose your company in the sealed-bidding process.
  3. Interpret the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to determine requirements and resolve issues.
  4. Explain the government acquisition process using sealed bidding, negotiations, and alternative contracting methods.
  5. Describe the various types of contracts and considerations for their use.
  6. Outline and explain the process for developing competitive proposals and source selection.
  7. Use technology and information resources to research issues in federal acquisition and contract management.
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