Cheap Custom Essay: Identify two groups other than employees whose agreement and endorsement you would seek when setting objectives and targets and creating workforce plans. Explain why their agreement should be sought.

Cheap Custom Essay: Identify two groups other than employees whose agreement and endorsement you would seek when setting objectives and targets and creating workforce plans. Explain why their agreement should be sought.

1. Identify two groups other than employees whose agreement and endorsement you would
seek when setting objectives and targets and creating workforce plans. Explain why their
agreement should be sought.

2. Your organisation has decided that employers will no longer give employees rostered days off to compensate them for working overtime. Instead, employees will now be paid for any
overtime they complete. What would you say to obtain agreement and endorsement for
these changes? You should provide a transcript of three minute speech that you would give
to employees outlining the objectives of this change. You need to show that you have
considered objections to or barriers to employee endorsement of this change

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