Cheap Custom Essay: Identify a team that you are currently participating in or a team with which you have worked in the past. Identify norms, rules, and any explicit ground rules that were developed for the team.

Cheap Custom Essay: Identify a team that you are currently participating in or a team with which you have worked in the past. Identify norms, rules, and any explicit ground rules that were developed for the team.

Identify a team that you are currently participating in or a team with which you have worked in the past.

Identify norms, rules, and any explicit ground rules that were developed for the team.

Even if the team did not have an explicit mission statement, as you reflect on the team goals and objectives, develop a team mission statement for the team.

Develop an agenda for an upcoming meeting.

Develop a meeting goal or goals, and identify the sequence of agenda items. After you have written your agenda, write a brief explanation of why you structured your agenda as you did.

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