Cheap Custom Essay-Examine the necessity for a leader to have good out-group member skills, as well as the ability to handle conflict and overcome obstacles.

Cheap Custom Essay-Examine the necessity for a leader to have good out-group member skills, as well as the ability to handle conflict and overcome obstacles.

You are the CEO of a major consumer technology corporation. The company is global and offers

remote employment, in addition to numerous physical locations. It distributes the products through

different global wholesalers to reach retailers who in turn sell to the ultimate consumer. Your job is tofind a new president for the organization. The past president has retired after 25 years of service. You will have to explain to the board of directors what criteria will be used in the search for a new company


Explain what being a leader is, and what traits are needed to be an effective leader.

Describe the type of leadership style and skills needed for the position.

Analyze the importance of attending to tasks and relationships.

Explain the importance of a leader following and communicating a vision, and setting the tone.

Examine the necessity for a leader to have good out-group member skills, as well as the ability to

handle conflict and overcome obstacles.

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