Cheap Custom Essay-Discuss any additional challenges of international production, such as political stability, availability of government financing or other incentives, threat of capital controls, and exchange rate risks.

Cheap Custom Essay-Discuss any additional challenges of international production, such as political stability, availability of government financing or other incentives, threat of capital controls, and exchange rate risks.

Compare the availability, education, and job skills of the work force in the selected country. Discuss any additional challenges of international production, such as political stability, availability of government financing or other incentives, threat of capital controls, and exchange rate risks.

Create business strategies, including price and non-price strategies, based on your market structure to ensure the market share and potential market expansions and explore global opportunities for your business in a dynamic business environment and provide recommendations.

Develop a recommendation for how the firm can manage its future production by synthesizing the macroeconomic and microeconomic data presented.

Propose how the firm’s position within the market and among its competitors will allow it to take your recommended action.

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