Cheap Custom Essay: Contrast the logical form of the problem with the evidential form of the problem—what is the difference?

Cheap Custom Essay: Contrast the logical form of the problem with the evidential form of the problem—what is the difference?

Explain Mackie’s objection that God could have created a world where creatures freely choose to always do good.

Explain Plantinga’s libertarian free will response to Mackie’s objection.

How is Plantinga’s argument a defense and not a theodicy?

Explain the 3 ways a free-will theodicy can account for natural evil.

Explain why a defense is all one needs to defeat the logical form of the problem of evil.

Contrast the logical form of the problem with the evidential form of the problem—what is the difference?

Explain the evidential problem in terms of pointless evil.

·           How does CORNEA (aka the cognitive limitation defense) address the evidential problem?

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