Cheap College Papers

1 PMU Academic Projects Academic Year: 2017-2018
Course Project Guidelines
BUSI 3322: Supply Chain Management
Project Weight: 20%
Semester: Spring 2017 – 2018
Table of Contents
I. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
II. Project Questions ………………………………………………………………………………… 1
III. Project Assessments …………………………………………………………………………….. 2
IV. Plagiarism …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
V. Overview of the Marking Scheme for the Project …………………………………….. 2
The course project is based on the Ivey case entitled “Wilkins, A Zurn Company: Demand Forecasting”.
The main objectives of the project and thereby the use of this case are for you to analyze how businesses
use forecasting, apply various techniques in demand forecasting, and evaluate and make decisions with
regard to best fit of a particular technique in a given demand profile.
You are required to critically analyse the case in answering the following questions as a partial fulfilment
of your project requirements:
1. Explain the current forecasting method used in the case. Who uses the demand forecast? What are
the consequences if the demand forecasting is inaccurate?
2. Create a demand forecast for the PVB product family for the next quarter using the following
A. Moving Average Method
B. Exponential Smoothing Method using ∝= 0.20, ∝= 0.30, ∝= 0.50, and ∝= 0.75.
C. Time Series Decomposition Using CMA (Centred Moving Average) Method
D. Time Series Decomposition Using SMA (Simple Mean Approach)
3. How do your demand forecasts using the above methods compare to Wilkins’ demand forecast?
4. As Bernie Barge, what would you recommend to management and why? How should Barge
convince management to follow his recommendations? Develop an action plan.
2 PMU Academic Projects Academic Year: 2017-2018
There are two components of project evaluation:
A. Project Report: Each group will submit the softcopy of their written report on Blackboard. The
SafeAssign feature of Blackboard will be used to check for plagiarism. You must use Microsoft
Word and follow APA Style Guide to prepare your report. A group score will be assigned for the
B. Project Knowledge Test: A Blackboard quiz will be setup to test individual understanding of the
• Students are expected and encouraged to be honest and maintain the highest standards of academic
integrity in their academic work and assignments at the university. Any act of academic dishonesty
may result in severe consequences for violations. A misconduct form will be submitted to Students
• For a detailed description of academic misconduct please refer to the undergraduate PMU Student
Pass mark (60%)
Show marginal knowledge of concepts and applications of operations management.
Able to apply some course content in practical situations.
Occasionally active when urged.
Poor writing skills.
C classification
Show acceptable knowledge of concepts and applications of operations management.
Able to apply course content in practical situations.
Active when prompt, contribute to team work reactively.
Acceptable writing skills.
B classification
Show good knowledge of concepts and applications of operations management.
Demonstrate good ability to apply course content in practical situations.
Active, contribute to team work keenly.
Good writing skills.
A classification
Show excellent knowledge of concepts and applications of operations management.
Demonstrate excellent ability to apply course content in practical situations
Enthusiastic, contribute to team work proactively.
Excellent writing skills.

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