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Essay-2: (15 points): Topic-6 (Epo/RTK-signaling)
1 How can Epo-R be dimeric, yet elicit no nuclear STAT?
2 True/False & Why: Drug MG132 elicits prolonged signaling by EpoR.
3 A KO/KO mutation in which gene would stabilize phosphorylation of EpoR & JAK?
4 Draw a mutant version of EGFR that acts as a Dominant-negative.
5 True/False & Why: HER2 renders signaling hypersensitive to low (non-signaling) concentrations of EGF.
6 True/False & Why: Ras-G12V triggers signaling without EGF or EGF-R.
7 True/False & Why: Ras-G12V can bypass the effects of BossKO/KO or Sevenless-KO/KO.
8 True/False & Why: Anthrax-Toxin (LF) blocks the effects of Ras-G12V or Raf-V600E.
9 A KO/KO mutation in which gene would enhance Raf-kinase activity?
10 Which mutations blocks activation of Ras by Boss-Sevenless signaling?
11 True/False & Why: Drosophila Boss/Sevenless signaling is juxtracrine, whereas Human-EGF signaling is endocrine.
12 How can SRE-dependent genes be OFF even in presence of active-MAPK?
13 True/False & Why: Ras-G12V elicits activation of yeast and human MAPK-pathways.
14. Which steps of the Raf à MAP-KK à MAP-K cascade involves amplification?
15 True/False & Why: A drug that blocks endocytosis should make cells somewhat resistant to Anthrax-Toxin?

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