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LIFE234 – Guidance on Lab Report Writing
 50 % of the overall mark for LIFE234 is based on a lab report covering practical 5.
 The report is to be submitted through Turnitin/VITAL by the indicated deadline.
 There is a limit of 1500 words (including titles, figure/table legends; excluding tables, reference list).
 You should divide your report into the following sections (an abstract is not necessary):
o Title – Use the following: ‘Investigation of subtype-selective ligand binding to dopamine receptors’.
o Word count – Include titles, figure/table legends; exclude tables, reference list.
o Introduction – Provide some background and explain why you have undertaken the experiment, stating the aim(s) and/or hypothesis being tested. Use the module handbook for guidance. Refer to relevant published work where possible. Citations should follow the style of the British Journal of Pharmacology (Bloggs et al., 2014).
o Methods – Concisely describe how the experiments were performed. Use the module handbook for guidance, but remember that a method is a descriptive passage of text, and different from a step-by-step protocol. Use past tense and passive voice, and write in complete sentences. Provide sufficient detail to allow the experiments to be repeated by others.
o Results – Start with a description of the result in text form and then use figures and tables (as necessary) to help illustrate the key points. If a figure provides all of the necessary information there is no need to also show the same data in a table. Note that as you will be provided with only single (class average) values for each drug concentration you cannot use statistics to analyse your data.
o Discussion – Based on your understanding of the receptor binding properties of the drugs, interpret the results in relation to the original aim(s)/hypothesis and discuss the implications of the results from a pharmacological perspective. Compare your results to those in the scientific literature, where possible. Think about the limitations of the experiments and appropriate follow-up investigations.
o References – Some statements in the introduction and discussion will need to be supported by citing relevant sources such as text books or journal articles. These are preferred to websites as the content has been peer-reviewed prior to publication and is not subject to change. Aim to include around five references to relevant published material. Use the style of the British Journal of Pharmacology [Surname Initials, Surname Initials (Year) Title. Journal Name. volume number; first page-last page]. List the references in alphabetical order based on the first author’s surname. Do not list references that have not been cited in the main text.
 Throughout your report be clear in your expression, adhere to the above layout and guidance, and always ask yourself – could someone that hasn’t taken this module/practical pick up your lab report and understood the basis, results and implications of the experiments it describes?

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