Cheap Assignment Help-CIS312 Information Systems for Managers Assignment: Group Project

Cheap Assignment Help-CIS312 Information Systems for Managers Assignment: Group Project

CIS312 Information Systems for Managers

Assignment: Group Project (150 points)

Your group will choose between the topics outlined below. Each topic can only be completed by 1 group.

  1. Systems to Support Decision Making

Each one of these topics has a vast amount of information and different systems associated with them. Definitions we are looking at during the term may be associated with several topics and even a specific system can fall under several topics (meaning it is utilized for different avenues of the business). For example a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) may be used by managers to make decisions while, it is used by the functional group, Sales and/or Marketing to get to know their customers. Basically each group may talk about several of the same systems but, you will talk about that system and how it relates to your topic.

Class time during weeks 13 and 14 will be given to you FOR MEETING AS A GROUP and WORKING ON YOUR PART OF THE PROJECT. You may want to meet prior to week 13 to look at how you want to structure the group project and what part each group member will take. Each person should write about 2 full pages on their specific part. One person should be elected as group leader and they will write the overview of the topic and conclusion (this means they need the material for writing the conclusion for each group member). Their part of the project can be shorter (meaning not 2 full pages) but, they will be in charge of putting the paper together as a unit as well as the final PowerPoint.

I don’t care how you break down your topic. You will not be able to cover all areas of the topic but, may want to take different aspects (such as several of the systems involved, advantages/disadvantages, how it can help the organization in today’s global market, how it can help to meet their strategic mission and goals). There are many ways to break this down.

Each student will make up 4-5 slides on their part of the project and these slides will make up the final PowerPoint to be presented in Week 15. Again the Group leader will not need as many slides but, they will put the presentation together, be the emcee introducing the topic and introduce each group member and their part.

  • Each student will submit 4 files:
    • Their part of the paper
    • Their 4-5 PowerPoint slides
    • The final project paper
    • The final PowerPoint
  • Per other assignments (case study) each student will need to include at least 3 in-text citations backing up their information and references for those in-text citations
  • All written assignments and responses should follow either MLA/APA rules
    • Title page (in MLA the title is usually on the first page but, the instructor can request a title page and this is what I am asking for so that there is at least 2 full pages of content)
    • No paragraph spacing
    • Double spaced
    • 1” margins (top, bottom, left and right)
    • 12pt font size
    • Times New Roman
    • References and in-text citations follows either the APA or MLA rules
    • Can follow link for the Purdue Owl site for information on MLA/APA:
  • The PowerPoint should follow general PowerPoint presentation rules
    • Meaning you do not read from the slides but, they are used for elaboration on the bullets
    • You can utilize graphics and then explain the graphic (such as a model of a CRM (if this is part of your topic))
    • Your grade points for the presentation include you being a member of the audience. Meaning if you present your project on Tuesday of week 15 and you are absent for Friday of week 15 for other students projects then you will lose part of the presentation points
Assignment Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Final Project (as a group and individual) 75
PowerPoint 25
Used textbook and/or outside sources to substantiate 17.5
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 7.5
Presentation 25
Total: 150


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