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PHL101 Introduction to Philosophy



Final Essay Guidance


  • Essays must be 1000 words in length (excluding bibliography)

Your essay should be based on one of the articles. Your goal should be an in-depth discussion of one focus article using 2 supporting articles.


  1. In your essay, state the main claims, concepts, and underlying assumptions of the article and in approximately 2 paragraphs, explain how the author argues for that claim.
  2. Clearly state your thesis. You should either argue in support of or against a particular position in the paper with regard to either the main claim, an underlying assumption of one of the arguments made, the use of a particular example, a piece of research the article uses in support of its argument, or a set of concepts or thought experiments used to explain the main approach.


  1. Support your thesis by referring to the main claims made by 2 other authors of articles that we have discussed. When you use the main claims made by other authors, be sure to articulate the relevant arguments that can be used in support of or against the main claim of the article.


  1. Be sure to give complete bibliographic references.



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