Chapter 5’s discussion of domestic architecture of Catal Huyuk, the Market of Trajan, and Plains Indian tipis demonstrates how builders designed their structures. The chapter provided a list of factors that impact the appearance of domestic architecture: protection, historical necessity, materials, aesthetic choices, local and foreign influences, symbolism, and identity. In particular, the chapter identified how domestic architecture responds to its community’s needs.

Instruction for the discussion

Like all modules in this class, Module Two requires you to participate in a group discussion . The purpose of the discussion is to practice what you have learned, to employ the vocabulary of art, and to interact with your peers.

As with other discussion in this class, this one applies learned information from the textbook to a real-world context.    In this case, the context is extremely real: homelessness.

Be sure to make your discussion posting before the deadline listed in the syllabus.


Chapter 5’s discussion of domestic architecture of Catal Huyuk, the Market of Trajan, and Plains Indian tipis demonstrates how builders designed their structures. The chapter provided a list of factors that impact the appearance of domestic architecture: protection, historical necessity, materials, aesthetic choices, local and foreign influences, symbolism, and identity. In particular, the chapter identified how domestic architecture responds to its community’s needs.

Our community has a pressing need today: to house the homeless.

Use the information from Chapter 5 and the links provided here to think about the problem of homelessness and different perspectives on the issue. Create a solution for how YOU would solve homelessness or at least make positive strides toward solving this problem. Make sure that your solution involves architecture or images. Compare your solution to the information learned in the chapter and the additional readings listed below, as well as what you have seen in the world. Explain your solution and how it addresses the problem. Identify how people with other perspectives on the issue may criticize your solution. Create  a hand-drawn picture to represent your proposed solution and raise a question for your group mates to answer.

Then, be sure to return to the discussion t o answer at least TWO of your groupmates’ questions about their own solutions.

Assessment (How this will be graded)

Your discussion entry and responses for each of the remaining modules will be assessed on your critical thinking, communication, demonstration of social responsibility, and teamwork. Here are the details:


Critical thinking: Do you clearly identify the problem? Do you effectively present your ideas and evidence? Do you consider the context? Do you develop your argument in favor of your solution? Do you draw logical conclusions and explain their implications?


Social Responsibility: Do you acknowledge and apply diverse perspectives? Do you acknowledge and apply your civic responsibility? Do you articulate your own attitudes and beliefs about the issue?


Communication: Does the posting clearly state its purpose? Is it organized clearly? Does it develop the content thoroughly? Does it correctly employ standard English language, spelling, and grammar?


Teamwork: Do you contribute to the discussion? Are you prepared for this discussion? Do you collaborate with your group to formulate a solution? Do you foster a constructive climate with your postings? Do you respond constructively to feedback?

Additional Readings

Before beginning the discussion, read these websites. Pay attention to the different perspectives they represent, what the artists and designers made, and how the projects attempted to address homelessness:



  1. Open your group (link on the next page of this module unit).
  2. Create a thread and title it Art and Homelessness and your last name.
  3. Compose your posting in which you do the following: Explain your solution, compare it to the chapter and additional readings’ information, acknowledge other perspectives, and raise a question for your group.
  4. Attach your drawing.
  5. Post
  6. Then, comment on a thread by two other members of your group to answer their questions.


As discussed in the course Introduction, class communication etiquette is simple: treat your classmates with dignity and respect, and write in a professional manner and tone. Unprofessional communication will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action.


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