Chapter 4 Discussion Board

Chapter 4 Discussion Board

Part 1

Review ABC’s Strategic Plan for 2017 – 2022 online at  The Metrics and Framework link includes metrics that ABC will be working towards achieving in the coming years.  Choose three (3) of the nine (9) metrics listed and revise them to represent a SMART goals for the University.  I am looking for your ability to apply the SMART goal concept to this information.

If you are unsure what a SMART goal is, please read below.

When writing goals, it is helpful to remember the acronym SMART. Different people associate different words with each of the letters in the SMART acronym, but for the purposes of this problem, SMART means that effective goals are:

1. Specific. A good goal defines exactly what you expect to accomplish. When your goals are specific, the behaviors required to accomplish them are clear. Many people say that they want to recycle to save the environment, but a better goal would be “Place every used bottle or can in a recycling container within five minutes of finishing its contents.”
2. Measurable. You can measure the outcomes of a good goal. When you measure how much of a goal you have attained, you get feedback on your work. For example, compare the goal “I want to be skinny” with “I want to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month.” How can you measure skinny? But by measuring the pounds you have lost so far, you know exactly how close you are to meeting your goal.
3. Attainable. Good goals are hard to reach, but not impossible. If a goal is too easy, you will not have to work hard to attain it, and your overall performance will not improve. If a goal is too hard, you will be discouraged from attempting to reach it. One way of making sure that goals are attainable is to break larger, difficult goals into smaller, more easily accomplished subgoals.
4. Result-oriented. A good goal contains only one outcome or accomplishment. If you combine two or more outcomes in one goal, it will be difficult to decide where to focus your attention. For example, “To increase produce sales by 3% and to achieve a 5% market share” is a less effective goal than “To increase produce sales by 3%.”
5. Time-bound. Good goals specify precisely when you will meet them. Doing so provides you with a deadline for your actions. For example, it is easy to say “I want to be a millionaire,” but you are more likely to accomplish that goal if you say “I will have a million dollars in a bank account by January 1, 2020.”

Part 2

Conduct a mini SWOT analysis for ABC University.  List each two (2) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.  Remember – strengths and weaknesses are internal and opportunities and threats are external.  Many students misstate opportunities as something internal.  An opportunity is not an action that a company would take.  The action must be based upon a factor in the external environment that has created an opportunity for the company to pursue.

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