Certain evolutionary biologists believe that humor, musical talent, even wealth are the result of evolution.  Select one human trait and argue for or against evolution in its case.  Did evolution cause this trait to develop?

Analysis paper
How did we get here?

Certain evolutionary biologists believe that humor, musical talent, even wealth are the result of evolution.  Select one human trait and argue for or against evolution in its case.  Did evolution cause this trait to develop? Personal examples and observations are appropriate for this paper.

For example, I might select “gossip” as a human trait and I may argue that evolution led us to develop a skill/need for gossip.  I could say that during our earliest years, we used language for survival (which berries are ripe? which spiders are dangerous?).  When we broke into tribes/social groups, we used language in a more complex way but still for survival (who has a jealous boyfriend/girlfriend that would be dangerous?). In a bartering culture, gossip can help one’s “survival” (“I know what you did and unless you bring me food/pay me, I will tell everyone”).  Gossip can give one leverage in terms of sexual selection (“You don’t want to date him/her because of X, you should date me instead”).  Now that our lives are more comfortable and many of us do not consider survival on a daily basis, gossip has evolved into entertainment.

Feel free to use the resources on http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/07/index.html for inspiration.

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