Research Paper-Explain what you view as threats to intellectual property in today’s world economy. What are some examples where intellectual property is threatened? What are some protections in place to give creators of intellectual property some protection?

Research Paper-Explain what you view as threats to intellectual property in today’s world economy. What are some examples where intellectual property is threatened? What are some protections in place to give creators of intellectual property some protection? Why is ethical Read More …

Research Paper- Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched.

Research Paper- Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Choose one (1) public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. You will use this corporation for future assignments unless otherwise specified. Research the Read More …

Research Paper-Assess the external threats affecting this corporation and the opportunities available to the corporation

Research Paper-Assess the external threats affecting this corporation and the opportunities available to the corporation examine its industry. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University’s Read More …

Research Paper-Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats.

Research Paper-Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats. Determine the impact of the company’s mission, vision, and primary stakeholders on its overall success Read More …

College Essays-Compare and contrast frameworks to analyze global business operations.

College Essays-Compare and contrast frameworks to analyze global business operations. Compare and contrast frameworks to analyze global business operations. Evaluate an organization’s internal and external environment and competitive position.  Compare and contrast competitive strategies. Assignment Purpose: practice exercise building case Read More …

Assignment Help-iscussing the tools that they found to conduct an analysis of the industry and competitors

Assignment Help-iscussing the tools that they found to conduct an analysis of the industry and competitors You enter your project team meeting with Mike and Tiffany to hear them discussing the tools that they found to conduct an analysis of Read More …

Research Paper-Describe two (2) financial career options that an individual with a finance education might pursue and explain the value that such a position adds to a company

Research Paper-Describe two (2) financial career options that an individual with a finance education might pursue and explain the value that such a position adds to a company Use the Internet to research career options within the field of finance. Read More …